Corporate Branding, Website Design & Creative Services for Streetscape Lighting Firm
Business branding and website design for a New Jersey leader in lighting, telecom and smart technology solutions for public spaces

Dave Murphy & Associates (DMA), a NJ company that specializes in streetscape lighting, telecom, and smart technology for public spaces, was ready for fresh corporate branding. The objective of the multi-faceted marketing project was to promote the company’s expanded services and sales territory, and showcase its full capabilities to multiple audiences. The creative services Rapunzel Creative provided included a new logo and tagline, website design, sales materials, and updated messaging that reflects DMA’s expertise, approach, and leadership stance in its industry.
“We’d been growing in recent years and our website and marketing materials hadn’t kept up with our expansion into other markets and product lines. We’d also been through several versions of the company logo throughout the 50 years since our father founded the firm—none of which conveyed what we offer. It was time for a fresh, contemporary look.”

The website and marketing materials were prepared in time for a major trade show in November 2023, where DMA was exhibiting. The booth had a branded popup banner, backdrop, capabilities sheet, and business cards along with the website.

“We had a lot of news to share with show attendees–new sales territories, manufacturers we represent, and new products we specify. The response to our new look and messaging was very positive, and we now have a corporate website and branded marketing materials that clearly explain what we do, how we work, and with whom, to support our sales team.”
David Murphy
Dave Murphy & Associates

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