Measure Return on Investment (ROI) From a Website Redesign

Time to rip off the bandage again for a website redesign! It’s an investment organizations must make every few years to stay current and competitive. A redesign not only refreshes your brand’s appearance online, but it also helps your company adhere to ever-changing digital marketing trends, UX principles, and search protocols.

Top reasons for investing in a website redesign for your brand

  • Improve brand awareness and sentiment – We all know that first impressions count tremendously and the importance of keeping visitors on your site.
    • When users are comparing your company with your competition, they’ll return to the most attractive sites. A polished online image will win over outdated websites—and must do so quickly.
  • Better user experience – Users also want websites that are easy to navigate; a new site design provides the perfect opportunity for reorganizing your content and adding new pages in a structured way (no more ad hoc additions and attempts to squeeze content into an outdated framework).
    • The majority (88%) of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience.
    • Website accessibility is a crucial part of UX; a redesign enables you to incorporate the latest accessibility tools.
    • The website refresh also enables you to submit a new site map to the search engines for a quicker crawl by bots.
  • Boost conversion rate by generating new and more leads from fresh content and design.
    • The newly designed corporate website also gives your team the chance to include updated calls to action throughout, bolder contact information in the header or footer, and new buttons that click through to lead generation forms or team inboxes.
    • Has your messaging changed in the past few years? Is your brand promise shifting to meet changing market conditions? Are you serving a new or expanded audience? If so, a website makeover is the perfect vehicle for your updated brand marketing.
    • It’s easy to add lead gen forms when you’re designing from scratch, as well as plug-ins that enhance the user experience.
  • Enhanced SEO through updated site design with SEO structure and optimized copy and internal links that may have been missing in the prior version.
    • Think schema markup, updated keywords, internal links (and backlinks if relevant), and the appropriate structure for your website type and business goals.
    • Optimize copy with what your audience is searching for TODAY.
    • Write title tags and meta descriptions that support page content.
    • Poor site structure not only affects search results but ties back to UX as well. The top reasons users cited they leave a site are non-responsive design (73.1%), poor content structure (34.6%), and slow loading time (88.5%).
    • The back end should get proper attention as well, with updates to the CMS to avoid technical and security issues.
    • Remember that site speed affects your search results.

Measuring the value of corporate website redesign

How are you tracking the success of your new corporate website? Is the website refresh meeting your business goals?

Common objectives for most for-profit businesses are to increase brand awareness (and over time, market share), grow brand engagement, generate more leads and thereby increase conversions. For nonprofit organizations, those KPIs will likely be increased donor base and donations, more awareness of the cause, an uptick in people using the organization’s services, or a corporate sponsorship.

Top website KPIs

  1. Increased website traffic – Are you getting more unique visitors to the site? What about returning visitors? Having more potential buyers visit your website, and doing so more often, are positive performance indicators. In addition, check to see if certain pages are getting more attention than they had in the past and if new pages added in the redesign are being visited.
  2. Lower bounce rate /higher time on page – A lower bounce rate means your content is providing value to website visitors, who are spending more time on a page and clicking around the site. Of course, this is all relative, as a high bounce rate on a specific page may indicate you are providing the content users are looking for right away (and therefore, they have no need to navigate elsewhere).
  3. More downloads – We love when users take action! Your conversion rate may be based on email or newsletter signups, a boost in subscriptions, or downloads of your white papers, guides, or forms.
  4. More lead captures – From forms to landing pages to e-commerce checkout pages, you’ll be capturing contact information from more people interested in what you’re selling. Your search marketing/PPC and social media ads also provide a valuable sales funnel; make sure your website has the tools to capture those warm leads.
  5. Better keyword ranking – Check your website analytics regularly to see how your website is performing in the SERPs for specific keywords for which you’ve optimized (or need to optimize). With a smart keyword list behind your content, you’ll see which keywords are driving meaningful traffic and conversions.

Contact Rapunzel Creative to discuss your website redesign

Rapunzel Creative has helped numerous clients build greater brand awareness and business with website redesigns that incorporate the tools and corporate branding components needed to stay competitive and current. When it’s time for a fresh look at your brand, contact us for a consultation on how our team can support you on this important marketing project.

About Rapunzel Creative

Rapunzel Creative is an award-winning branding, digital marketing, and advertising agency located in Bergen County, New Jersey, within the New York metro market. Services include business branding, website design, digital marketing (such as social media, SEO, and email marketing) and advertising campaigns. The agency also specializes in nonprofit marketing and branding. Rapunzel Creative is certified by the State of New Jersey as a (WBE) Women Business Enterprise, is a WBENC certified organization, and is a certified SBA and WOSB and approved contractor with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Published On: August 24th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Corporate Branding, Website Design|

About the Author: Lynn Gregorski

Lynn Gregorski is the founder and president of Rapunzel Creative Marketing. She has decades of experience in branding, marketing and promoting corporations, TV networks, and nonprofits. Her body of work includes national promotions, digital campaigns and Emmy-award-winning video production, as well as marketing communications across all media for nonprofits.

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